Is Your Business Making Friends on Social Media?

Think social media is just a place for selfies, status updates, and other irrelevant things that have nothing to do with your business? If you are still looking at social media this way, then you are missing out on one of the greatest marketing opportunities available to you.

While social media does have its share of the silly, it does offer a chance for Gold Coast businesses to interact and engage in meaningful ways with their target audience. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and Linked In allow you to connect with your customers, provide great content, understand their needs, and respond accordingly. In addition, the publicity you get is amplified by the networks that each of your followers have, meaning you will be able to reach more people than ever before. Continue reading

The Importance of Unique Content Management

The online marketing landscape continues to evolve. What used to be common practice a few years ago could now get websites in trouble. Businesses would do well to take note of emerging trends and calibrate their online marketing strategies accordingly.

Industry experts have recently projected that unique content will gain prominence in the years to come due to stricter search engine algorithms. For this reason, businesses should make sure that their site content is relevant and is up to standards in relation to current SEO practices. Continue reading